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I hereby declare
that I am seeking admission in my own interest and accord.
that I shall be fully responsible for any accident / mis-happening occurring with me/by me inside / outside the institute's premises and institute will not responsible in any manner.
that I shall be responsible for my rustication on grounds of misconduct, misuse of mobile phones, misuse of internet or any illegal and indecent activity.
that in case of my selection in Medical / Engineering Entrance Exams / NTSE & Olympiads, the institute reserves the right to use my name, photo and other information for publicity purpose.
that I solemnly affirm that the institute has rights to send me emails (e-newsletters), sms alerts, WhatsApp Messages (Text, Images, Video, Documents) and post on the mentioned communication details.
that all the information furnished by me in the ONLINE Application Form or in any other form etc. is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that in the event of any information found to be incorrect or false, my admission may be cancelled without any refund of fee.
that I have read all the instructions of the Information Bulletin / available Online and I do agree to follow the instructions as applicable.
that I agree to abide by the Refund Rules of the Institute.
I agree that all dispute are subject to Kota (Rajasthan) jurisdiction only.
Your admission is for the year-long program for the academic year 2021-22 only. The continuation of Online Classroom Program and thereafter, its conversion into Offline Classroom Program depends upon after lift-up of lockdown, necessary government permission and guidelines to resume offline coaching as well as Institute’s discretion on the ability and feasibility to ensure a safe educational environment for students. This may be centre specific. Your safety will be our first concern.